test-NADH Supplement Benefits for Physical  &  Mental Health
NADH Supplement Benefits for Physical & Mental Health
Swanson Health • February 13, 2012
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydride, commonly referred to as NADH, is one of the few nutrients that your body uses to make ATP, which is the source of energy at the cellular level. What that means is NADH helps a lot of people with a natural boost for both mental and physical energy, but the supplement benefits go so far beyond that as well. It also plays a role in the body’s production of neurotransmitters (certain brain chemicals) including Dopamine and Norepinephrine, which can play a big role in supporting a healthy mood among other things.


While some take NADH supplements strictly for energy support or as healthier alternative to coffee, there are some who also use it to help their mood or give them a better outlook during the day. Whatever reason you take it, it’s a great option for so many aspects of both mental and physical energy!

