Emotional Health

Emotional health concern

Health concerns involving the emotions are on a steady increase worldwide. Experts look for plausible causes to explain this quandary, yet little is really understood about why as a society we are experiencing emotional concerns more than ever before. Among nutritional experts, one thing is certain. Our diets are grossly lacking in key nutrients that supply us with the raw material needed to produce primary brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, both requisite hormones for emotional health. How big the nutritional piece is to the overall puzzle remains a mystery. But for many individuals, revamping their diets to include missing essential fatty acids and amino acids has meant the difference between simply existing, and living life with passion, joy and real contentment.

Food is Central to the Behavior of Your Brain

While you may prefer to eat pepperoni pizza with cola or beer every night, your brain doesn’t. If you could ask your brain what it wanted for supper, it would request a nice size portion of lightly grilled sockeye salmon with a spicy lima bean & chili pepper salsa. Here’s why:

  • The Omega-3 fatty acids and DMAE found in salmon offer just what the brain needs to keep neurons healthy and messages efficiently transmitting throughout them. These nutrients keep you on top of your game and facing forward with a positive outlook. Skeptical? Try salmon for yourself and you’ll be a believer.
  • Lima beans provide a substantial dose of the amino acid L-tyrosine from which the body makes the neurotransmitter dopamine to keep moods regulated.
  • Chili peppers rev up circulation to get nutrient-carrying blood to all areas of the brain.

Your brain absolutely loves clean, pure water, too. Before taking a bite of food or drink, remember that your brain is a guest at every meal. Treat it well, and you’ll be repaid with what the French call “joie de vivre,” or joy of living.

Help at the Right Time

Make Omega-3 essential fatty acids a staple in your diet, whether you get them from salmon, tuna, herring or other coldwater fish, or from high quality dietary supplements. Flax seed is a source of these EFAs, too, but fish oil is better. Fish oil provides preformed amounts of DHA and EPA, which are two of the primary Omega-3 EFAs for brain health, whereas your liver has to convert flax seed to these EFAs. In addition to the Omega-3 EFAs, there are 8 supplements offering specific assistance for brain health that significantly affect the emotions. You won’t need to take all of them every day, but rather on an as-needed basis.

  1. Calcium & Magnesium—Calcium is absolutely necessary for a healthy nervous system and works wonders to lessen emotional concerns, while magnesium counteracts stress.
  2. L-Tyrosine—This amino acid raises levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which influences moods.
  3. St. John’s Wort—St. John's wort has a long history of use for emotional health, and modern day researchers verify that it really is effective for mild to moderate situations.
  4. SAMe—Necessary for the production of neurotransmitters, the means by which neurons (nerve cells) communicate with each other. When we don’t produce enough neurotransmitters and communication between cells is unable to take place, emotional health suffers greatly.
  5. 5-HTP—Helps increase levels of serotonin, known as the “feel good” hormone, in the brain.
  6. Melatonin—At night the pineal gland produces this hormone to help us sleep. As we age, however, our bodies manufacture less of it. During times of high stress we may not be able to fall asleep at all, which only compounds any emotional troubles we’re experiencing. Melatonin supplements may help alleviate an inability to sleep. 
  7. Relora—Relora, a patented extract from two plants, helps control the release of stress hormones, and the result is a feeling of calmness and stability with less irritation.
  8. Vitamins B & C—Required for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Not surprisingly, many people who feel stressed out are also deficient in the B-complex and vitamin C.

Attitude Adjustment

When it comes to emotional health, attitude may not be everything, but it is a huge slice of the pie. Numerous studies conclude that optimistic people are not only happier, but they’re also healthier with stronger immune systems. So how does one gain an optimistic outlook? Gratitude plays a big part. When life seems unfair, overwhelming, or filled with distress, pause to consider the many things for which you’re thankful. No doubt you can think of lots of these situations, but meditating on them will sound them into your heart and mind to permanently affect your outlook. For instance, if the love of your life decides to up and leave you, that can be a debilitating and highly upsetting situation. Still, if you are able to focus your attention on things for which you’re grateful, it won’t seem so devastating. What about the terrific children that you gained from the union? Think about how great they’re doing in school and how much pleasure you derive from them. Imagine what life would be like without them, and then reassure yourself that they are very much a part of your life. Feel how happy that makes you and be grateful that you are so fortunate! Consciously approach all situations in this manner, and positive thinking will become second nature.

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Dr. Stephen Langer's Ultimate 16 Strain Probioticwith FOS
Swanson Probiotics
Dr. Stephen Langer's Ultimate 16 Strain Probioticwith FOS
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Item #SWA051
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SWANSON $15.99
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Shilajit Extract - Extra Strength
Swanson Superior Herbs
Shilajit Extract - Extra Strength
  • An adaptogen that supports systemic rejuvenation

  • Promotes energy production

  • Supports cognitive health

  • Potent source of fulvic acid

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100 mg / 30 Veg Caps
SWANSON $11.39
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CoQ10 - High Potency
Swanson Ultra
CoQ10 - High Potency
  • Enhances cellular energy production and physical performance

  • Supports cardiovascular health

  • Boosts antioxidant activity

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100 mg / 100 Sgels
SWANSON $14.59
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Very Important

Swanson Premium
Full Spectrum Milk Thistle
500 mg / 100 Caps

Swanson Premium
Vitamin D3 - Highest Potency
5,000 IU (125 mcg) / 250 Sgels

Swanson Premium
Full Spectrum Ginger Root
540 mg / 100 Caps

Swanson Premium
Triple Magnesium Complex
400 mg / 300 Caps

Swanson Ultra
Synergistic Eye Health - Lutein & Zeaxanthin
60 Sgels

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Bullet point Full Spectrum Ashwagandha
Bullet point Full Spectrum Dandelion Root
Bullet point Berberine
Bullet point NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine
Bullet point Full Spectrum Turmeric
Bullet point Zinc Picolinate - Body Preferred Form
Bullet point Milk Thistle - Features 80% Silymarin
Bullet point Turmeric & Black Pepper
Bullet point Vitamin K2 - Natural
Bullet point Resveratrol
Bullet point Maca
Bullet point Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM - Highest Strength3-in-1 Formula
Bullet point C-1000 - Vitamin C with Rose Hips
Bullet point Maximum Strength L-Arginine
Bullet point HiActives Tart Cherry
Bullet point Biotin
Bullet point Milk Thistle Dandelion & Yellow Dock
Bullet point Liver Essentials
Bullet point Triple Strength Melatonin - 100% Drug Free
Bullet point Epic Pro 25-Strain Probiotic
Bullet point Triple Magnesium Complex
Bullet point Extra Strength D3 & K2 - 5,000 IU & 100 mcg
Bullet point Tri-Fiber Complex
Bullet point Super Stress B-Complex with Vitamin C
Bullet point Oregano Oil 10:1 Extract
Bullet point Berberine Complex with Cinnamon, Gymnema & Fenugreek
Bullet point Green Tea Extract
Bullet point Beet Root NO+ - Fast Acting
Bullet point Vitamin D3 - Higher Potency
Bullet point Quercetin - High Potency
Bullet point Olive Leaf Extract - Extra Strength
Bullet point Apple Cider Vinegar - High Potency
Bullet point Full Spectrum Lion's Mane Mushroom
Bullet point Albion Selenium Complex
Bullet point Selenium
Bullet point Quercetin - Maximum Strength
Bullet point Alpha Lipoic Acid - 2 Pack
Bullet point Full Spectrum Boswellia - Double Strength
Bullet point Ginkgo Biloba Extract - Designed Release
Bullet point Ultimate Women's Intimate Performance