test-Will Swanson Glutathione Capsules Raise Your Glutathione Levels?
Vitamins & Supplements
Will Swanson Glutathione Capsules Raise Your Glutathione Levels?
Vitamins and Supplements FAQs • September 14, 2011

Question: There is a powdered product on the market that purportedly raises glutathione levels. Will your glutathione capsules do the same thing?

Our Swanson Premium Brand® L-Glutathione will increase the level of circulating glutathione to the degree that your body is able to absorb it, which varies with each individual. Glutathione is best known for its role as a powerful antioxidant, and some experts highly recommend that the best way to increase glutathione levels in the body is by consuming whey protein powder, which provides every single nutrient the body requires to manufacture it naturally.

Whey protein is easily absorbed by most individuals, and is lactose-free. If you are interested in trying this approach, we suggest our new Swanson Ultra Certified Organic Undenatured Bioactive Whey Protein.

This question was answered by a trained product specialist at Swanson Health Products. Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it via email to [email protected].

(Note: as per industry regulations, we cannot and will not answer medical questions, make treatment or diagnosis recommendations or comment on disease inquiries. Such questions must be answered by your doctor or professional health care provider.)