test-Question Regarding Supplements for Males Who Want to Build Muscle
Vitamins & Supplements
Question Regarding Supplements for Males Who Want to Build Muscle
Vitamins and Supplements FAQs • April 24, 2011

As we age out muscle mass declines, often to the point our mobility is challenged. To maintain or recover muscle mass we need protein or supplements like those advertised in "muscle" magazines plus weight bearing exercise to build muscle. What are your thoughts on maximum protein and supplements to avoid in order to prevent prostate issues? I have read that too much testosterone can adversely the prostate. I would like to regain muscle mass to the state I was in in my 30's.

If you are considering protein supplements, please consult your health care provider if you have any history of liver or kidney problems since the high nitrogen content of a high protein intake could potentially stress the liver or kidney. We do not make any recommendations for maximum protein intake since we are not fitness professionals or dietitians; a consultation with a fitness professional with credentials in nutrition would be helpful in setting up a beneficial regimen which was personally tailored for you. As a general rule, the protein requirement for basic maintenance is 0.8 grams protein / kg of ideal body weight; in a stressed state, the need may increase to 1.2 – 2 grams protein/ kg of ideal body weight. Bear in mind that excess protein beyond the body’s need for nitrogen is essentially just burned for energy, excess nitrogen is eliminated in the urine, and you end up with an expensive calorie source….

As for prostate concerns, we would again suggest that you have your health care provider monitor your testosterone levels and review the supplements you’re taking. Nutrition is probably more of a concern in development of prostate concerns than supplements: an excessive intake of dietary saturated fat or linoleic acid contributes to the formation of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins which can negatively impact prostate health. Antioxidants which help to protect from free radicals are found naturally in fruits and veggies, especially, and an ample intake supports the health of the whole body as well as the prostate.

This question was answered by a trained product specialist at Swanson Health Products. Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it via email to drea658baic@compend.me.

(Note: as per industry regulations, we cannot and will not answer medical questions, make treatment or diagnosis recommendations or comment on disease inquiries. Such questions must be answered by your doctor or professional healthcare provider.)
