test-Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
Food & Nutrition
Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
Lindsey Toth, MS, RD • January 22, 2018

Discover the Bountiful Benefits of Cayenne Pepper! 

You may reach for cayenne pepper to spice up your favorite recipes, but did you know it’s also impressively good for your health? Long before becoming a popular ingredient in some of the best detox recipes, cayenne was cultivated as an herbal remedy. It's been used for millennia across the Americas, Europe and Asia as a health tonic, as well as in Ayurveda and Native American medicines for everything from circulatory issues to respiratory health.

So, What’s so Hot About Cayenne Pepper?

In a word: capsaicin. Many of the beneficial properties of cayenne peppers come from the same compound that makes them hot, a phytochemical known as capsaicin. Capsaicin feels hot because it tricks heat-sensitive pain receptors into thinking they’ve been exposed to something hot, even though the temperature isn’t a factor at all.

Some people believe the heat is just in the seeds, but it’s actually in the white membrane and fruit tissue. Yes, peppers are often thought of as vegetables, but they’re actually fruit, like tomatoes and other nightshades. As with other peppers, cayenne contains vitamins A and C, and the extra heat they add to the body may help burn more calories each day.

What are the Benefits of Cayenne Pepper?

Scientists continue to study how the capsaicin in peppers may help your health. Capsaicin benefits may include vascular and metabolic health1 and a host of other health benefits. We’ve listed some of the most commonly sought benefits of cayenne pepper below.

Top health benefits of cayenne pepper

Cayenne Pepper Benefits

  • Metabolism & Weight Loss  – Cayenne may reduce your appetite and boost your metabolism to help support weight loss.
  • Digestive Aid – Cayenne stimulates saliva and digestive enzyme production so your body is primed for healthy digestion, which helps your body absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat.
  • Heart & Blood HealthCayenne helps promote healthy circulation and cardiovascular function.
  • Detox Support – Cayenne stimulates circulation and helps the digestive system clear out toxins.
  • Muscle and Joint SupportCayenne is sometimes used topically in ointments to stimulate blood flood to muscles and joints.
  • Immune Health Support – Cayenne provides antioxidants and healthy vitamins and minerals that support immune health.
  • Great Source of Vitamin A – Cayenne is an excellent source of vitamin A (1 tsp provides 44% of the recommended daily value). 

How to Use Cayenne Pepper

Get all the cayenne pepper benefits you need by adding fresh or ground cayenne pepper, in small amounts, to the foods you eat. As long as you don’t mind spicy food, you can add it to almost any type of dish including meats, pasta, eggs and even vegetable dips. Start by adding just a small pinch and build up from there, so you don’t accidentally make your food overly spicy. You can also mix cayenne into drinks. It’s often simply combined with water, lemon, and maple syrup as a cayenne detox drink (we like to add a bit of apple cider vinegar too!).

Cayenne Pepper for Weight Loss

Cayenne pepper promotes metabolic health, which could have some implications for weight management.1 Studies have shown that cayenne pepper increased diet-induced thermogenesis and lipid oxidation when added to food.2 The capsaicin in cayenne pepper has been a focus of many studies for its potential role in energy intake, and it may assist with weight loss.3

Cayenne Pepper for Aches and Itching

Cayenne pepper or capsaicin is sometimes added to topical skin creams and applied to areas that ache or itch. Used in this way, cayenne may provide warming effects and increased blood flow to the areas where applied, thus promoting better oxygenation of tissues.

Cayenne Pepper for Skin

Cayenne pepper contains antioxidant vitamin C and vitamin A, making it an excellent choice for supporting skin health. Also, when applied topically, cayenne may stimulate blood flow and help get your skin glowing, but don’t just apply cayenne pepper straight onto your skin. Look for ointments containing cayenne or recipes for cayenne skin creams you can make at home. And be sure to do a small skin test first to see how your skin responds. Also, keep cayenne away from your eyes!

Get the Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Supplements

If the idea of adding cayenne to your foods on a regular basis doesn’t sound appealing, you can get the health benefits of cayenne and capsaicin health benefits from supplements. For added benefits, consider combination formulas which feature other helpful herbs like turmeric and garlic. Cayenne is also available in liquid cayenne extracts.

Lindsey Bristol, MD, RD

About Lindsey Toth, MS, RD
Registered Dietitian, Swanson Health Products

Lindsey is a nationally-recognized registered dietitian and nutritionist with a soft spot for pie. She empowers people to take charge of their health by finding the balance between the pleasure and nourishment in food. 

Her philosophy is that you should take care of your body because it’s the only permanent home you have. It’s what inspired her to pursue a career in nutrition and, ultimately, led her to Swanson Health Products. 

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


1. Capsaicin. National Library of Health. Read source

2 Effects of red pepper added. PubMed. Read source

3 Could capsaicinoids help to support weight management? ScienceDirect. Read source

Updated 4/4/22