test-What Can You Recommend as an Adjunct to My Diet and Exercise Program?
What Can You Recommend as an Adjunct to My Diet and Exercise Program?
Vitamins and Supplements FAQs • January 30, 2011
Question: What can you recommend as an adjunct to my diet and exercise program? I know there's no “magic bullet,” but I could use a little help!

Perhaps one of the most exciting supplements to help you with your program is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Research shows that it may reduce the amount of fat you store after eating. And once you lose weight and shrink fat cells, it may even help keep those fat cells from refilling with fat! We suggest Swanson Best Weight Control Forumlas Tonalin CLA. To learn more about Tonalin CLA, we invite you to visit the manufacturer's website at www.tonalin.com.

Another supplement to consider is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which appears to reduce appetite; making it easier to cut down on the amount of food you eat. Swanson Super CitriMax Clinical Strength is a high-potency HCA supplement, and it is combined with chromium to specifically help curb sugar cravings.

This question was answered by a trained product specialist at Swanson Health Products. Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it via email to drea658baic@compend.me.

(Note: as per industry regulations, we cannot and will not answer medical questions, make treatment or diagnosis recommendations or comment on disease inquiries. Such questions must be answered by your doctor or professional health care provider.)