test-Can I Take More Than One Homeopathic Remedy At A Time?
Can I Take More Than One Homeopathic Remedy At A Time?
Vitamins and Supplements FAQs • May 27, 2011
I would like to know if it is o.k. to take more than one homeopathic remedy at a time? For example, could I take Arnica Montana 30X and Phosphorus 30X at the same time? If this is o.k., is it o.k. to take more than one homeopathic remedy at a time of any type or does it depend on which two or three you want to take? About how long does it take to see results from a homeopathic remedy? Is it within hours, days, weeks?

You can double up on homeopathic remedies, but it’s generally best to spread them out and take them at least 30 minutes apart to get the best benefit from each product. The time it would take to notice any benefit would unfortunately depend on the person taking it. Most people notice the benefits of supplements within anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. But with Homeopathic products (which are meant to work much quicker, as they act symptomatically), it will also depend on how strong a person’s immune system is. The only products that tend to work in hours would be sleeping products, energy products, and similar products that are for short-term benefits (as opposed to long-term benefits). For example, the Leg Cramps W/Quinine remedy is so popular because it relieves the cramping within minutes.

This question was answered by a trained product specialist at Swanson Health Products. Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it via email to [email protected].

(Note: as per industry regulations, we cannot and will not answer medical questions, make treatment or diagnosis recommendations or comment on disease inquiries. Such questions must be answered by your doctor or professional health care provider.)
