test-A Thanksgiving Message to Our Loyal Customers (And an Inspiring Letter from One Such Customer)
A Thanksgiving Message to Our Loyal Customers (And an Inspiring Letter from One Such Customer)
Lee Swanson • November 27, 2013

Dear Friends and Valued Customers,

It is my great pleasure to take this opportunity to deliver a Thanksgiving Day message to all of you. All of us here at Swanson Health Products, from our headquarters here in my hometown of Fargo, ND, to our extended family out near the coasts in Sparks, NV, and Harrisburg, PA (our regional shipping centers)... all of us would like to extend a truly heartfelt thank you for allowing us to do what we do. And we wish you all a blessed, safe and healthy Thanksgiving.

Our mission is to deliver the highest quality vitamins, supplements and natural health products at the most affordable prices. But we wouldn’t be able to do that without the loyalty of our customers. Many of you are now second or even third generation customers, who write in to tell us stories about seeing the Swanson labels in your mother’s and grandmother’s bathroom cabinets. These stories inspire us. (Stories like the one below, sent in recently by Amanda, who took her dad’s advice to try our vitamins.) Your letters and stories help us maintain our focus on quality and service, two values my father instilled in this company some forty-plus years ago.

And as we get closer to celebrating our 45th anniversary, I am overwhelmed with gratitude by all of the experiences I’ve enjoyed as a part of the Swanson Health Products family. I’ve been reminiscing quite a bit, especially now coming into the Holiday Season... and I’ve come to one certain conclusion: you, our customers, deserve my utmost thanks.

Your passion fuels my passion. Your ideas and opinions drive our innovation. Your feedback inspires our commitment to delivering the best customer experience we can. And your loyalty... what can I say other than "thank you"? It has been my pleasure to serve you all these years, and I look forward to what blessings await us both in the years to come.

As always, I wish you the very best of health,

Lee Swanson


A Letter from Amanda...

Dear Swanson Vitamins,

I started ordering some herbs and vitamins from you a few years ago on my dad's advice, and was impressed at your huge selection, fast shipping, and beautifully low prices. Eventually I began expanding my searches on your (extremely well-designed) website, because I was having a very hard time finding alternative flours and sweeteners locally. You carry them! I was impressed and relieved. Soon, placing a large order with you became a part of our budgeting every couple of months, and I always look forward to it because shopping is a breeze, you save me tons of time, energy, and gas, and the quality of your products is almost unbelievably high, given the very reasonable prices you charge.

When I received my last shipment, all of this finally clicked in my brain. (It should have clicked sooner, but I'm a homeschooling mama of four children and most days I don't have enough surviving brain cells after everyone has been fed, clothed, cleaned, taught, and laundered.) In addition to discovering, this order, that you carry organic essential oils at a good price, I also treated myself to a couple perfume oils (which are so inexpensive, smell SO good and last a long time !!!). After opening my lovely big Swanson box, I realized how happy you have made me: our cupboards are stocked with high-quality supplements for my husband, children and me; we have wholesome, simple products to keep us all clean and moisturized; our house smells good; I smell good. (For a mother of kids from age 16 months to ten years, you may not realize what a big deal this is.)

Your company is something rare, wonderful, and admirable. And dependable! I believe that you truly care about your customers and not just about profit margins. My husband and I do our best to give our children what is real and good, whether in food, bodycare, toys, or books, and mostly we have found that we have to pay a good deal more for the good stuff than for the junk. That's crazy and backwards, but of course our kids are worth it. Amazingly, you make it possible for us to provide good things for our family at really excellent prices!  

Thank you for all these things, Swanson Vitamins. I hope you never change--I don't know what I would do without you! God bless all of you and your families.


Amanda D.
