test-Does Swanson Get Any of its Products From China?
Does Swanson Get Any of its Products From China?
Vitamins and Supplements FAQs • January 13, 2011

Question: I'm concerned about products from China. Do you get products from China?

We share your concern about product safety. With 21st century globalization, many products are manufactured and distributed throughout the world—this includes food, prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter drugs and other commodities. Although there have been a few high-profile cases regarding pet food, toothpaste and toys from China, we ask that you keep in mind that not all Chinese companies are guilty because of the inappropriate actions of a few.

With regard to our products, we require that our suppliers follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) as defined by the federal government (FDA). In addition, many of our suppliers participate in third-party dietary supplement GMP certification programs offered by organizations such as the Natural Products Association, while many other suppliers follow FDA's pharmaceutical GMP regulations. As such, we assure with standard operating procedures that quality ingredients are produced with testing at various stages during the manufacturing process.

We're not willing to toss out an entire civilization's cumulative knowledge and expertise of healing botanicals and nutraceuticals because of the misdeeds of a few unethical companies. Regrettably, certain members of the media have responded to the recently recalled Chinese products in a manner that borders on xenophobia. Meanwhile, we continue to work within the dietary supplement industry and with government organizations to ensure product safety from all of our suppliers throughout the world.

This question was answered by a trained product specialist at Swanson Health Products.

(Note: as per industry regulations, we cannot and will not answer medical questions, make treatment or diagnosis recommendations or comment on disease inquiries. Such questions must be answered by your doctor or professional health care provider.)
