test-Top 10 Most Toxic Ingredients Hiding in Your Deodorant
Bath & Beauty
Top 10 Most Toxic Ingredients Hiding in Your Deodorant
Jessica B. • June 30, 2016

I want to reduce the amount of unnecessary chemicals absorbing into my body. After learning about nail polish and shampoos and conditioners, I started researching deodorants next.

Deodorants help control odor, and antiperspirants block your body’s natural ability to secrete toxins. Because of that, toxins become trapped in your body.

I’ve heard people talk about the negative side effects of different deodorants for years. Until recently, I didn’t give it much thought.

The more research I did, the more surprised I became at how many toxic ingredients are in various brands.

When buying deodorants, I usually try to pick a pleasant scent and I never look at the ingredients list. However, not all deodorants are the same.

Some ingredients are worse than others, and there are many more out there. This is just a starting point to make us all more aware of what’s in the products we use all the time.

toxic ingredients hiding in deodorant

Top 10 Toxic Ingredients in Deodorants


Parabens are in many beauty products, so it’s not surprising to find them in most deodorants. They may cause reproductive damage and organ toxicity. They can be irritating to the skin and may cause allergic reactions.

2Aluminum compounds

Aluminum is typically the main ingredient in many mainstream deodorants. It clogs your pores to prevent sweating, but it may affect hormone levels.


top 10 toxic ingredients in deodorantsSilica is a known skin irritant. It may be contaminated with crystalline quartz, a known carcinogen.


Triclosan is a pesticide, according to the FDA, as it has antimicrobial properties. It kills both good and bad bacteria on the skin, and it may be a carcinogen.


Talc may contain asbestiform fibers, making it another known carcinogen.

6Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol, a known neurotoxin, may affect central nervous system, heart and liver health. It may also cause allergic reactions and be irritating to the skin, especially sensitive skin.


Steareths, known carcinogens, are additives made from weakening harsh chemicals in the manufacturing process.


Fragrances can also be irritating to skin and cause allergic reactions. They may also cause organ toxicity.

9TEA and DEA

Triethanolamine (TEA) and diethanolamine (DEA) are chemicals that may affect liver and kidney health. Both of these products are known carcinogens that have been banned in Europe.

10Artificial colors

Some artificial colors and bleaches are known carcinogens that may also cause allergic reactions.

Reading ingredient labels is the number one defense we have for avoiding toxic ingredients.

I admit that I never gave much thought to labels before, but now I’m more careful about which products I use.

safe natural deodorant brandsSkin Deep is a great resource to see the overall hazard, toxicity and other concerns.

If nothing else, you can also make your own non-toxic deodorant stick!

Where to Buy Safer Deodorants

Do you currently use more natural deodorants? Which brands would you be willing to try?

