test-The One Piece of Exercise Advice You Need to Hear
Exercise & Fitness
The One Piece of Exercise Advice You Need to Hear
Swanson staff • January 10, 2024

The Only Exercise Advice You'll Ever Need 

The Internet is packed with fitness advice.

Chances are, you’ve seen (and clicked on) articles claiming to know the five best exercises for flat abs, weight loss or svelte arms. Or maybe you’ve seen a friend constantly updating their social media to talk about amazing yoga sessions or CrossFit WOD.

More than likely, you’ve wondered if you should be doing those same exercises or if your results-proclaiming friend is in on some sort of fitness secret.

Well, today's post is going to clear everything up for you! Here's the only advice you’ll ever need for exercise that gets results. Are you ready?

Do whatever exercise you enjoy doing!

It’s just that simple. Science supports the idea that just moving is good for you.1

To be clear, that means that no matter what you do for exercise, your movement of choice has a positive impact on your health.2

Now, there are studies that show that certain types of exercise or workouts have more positive effects than others (such as HIIT, weightlifting, sprints, etc.).3

We're not challenging those findings here today. There are plenty of people who have found something that's worked for them. Their personal experiences are worth considering.

What we are saying is that there’s no point in forcing yourself to do a workout you hate. If you loathe running, don’t do it just because it burns a lot of calories.

If CrossFit hasn’t clicked with you after a month, don’t continue to drag yourself to the box just to put in minimal effort and pay the high membership fees.

Those are both recipes for disaster. You’ll end up throwing in the towel or making excuses to skip. Workouts will become punishments, and, seriously, no one should do that to themselves.

Instead, find something that you enjoy doing.

If you like running, stick with it! But if a month of pounding the pavement leaves you unsatisfied, maybe it’s time to sign up for a yoga class or try some weightlifting. Or, maybe you want to leave the conventional “workout” exercises behind and join a volleyball team. Do what you love and don't forget to consider natural supplements to enhance your exercise experience like vasodilating beet juice or L-carnetine to support building lean muscle and metabolizing fat. 

Hey, movement = exercise! Maybe the activity you enjoy the most is simply a morning walk. Exercise doesn’t have to be “athletic” for it to be beneficial for you.4

Once you’ve found what you love, exercise becomes an enjoyable hobby instead of a necessary evil.5 You end up working out because it makes you happy, not as some sort of punishment for eating food. And as a bonus, you’ll reap the benefits of regular exercise for something that’s fun.

So, truly, find the movement you enjoy, and do that. You'll be glad you did!

You be well, now


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


1. Taking the Stairs, Raking Leaves May Have Same Health Benefits as a Trip to the Gym. Science DailyRead source

2. Physical Activity vs. Exercise. Hawaii Pacific Health. Read source

3. 7 Most Effective Exercises. WebMD. Read source

4. Moderate Exercise Yields Big Results. Science DailyRead source

5. It's Not What You Do, but How You Get Yourself to Exercise That Matters. Science DailyRead source
