test-Nourish Your Noggin
Memory and Brain Support
Nourish Your Noggin
Lindsey Toth, MS, RD • April 28, 2022

Tips to Keep A Healthy Head!

Clearer thinking, better memory, reduced stress and overall brain health: these are just some of the benefits you can gain from fueling up on brain-healthy nutrients. The foods you eat play a major role in your health and wellness, and there are some nutrients that are particularly nourishing for your brain. We’ve got your noggin covered with the best foods for brain health.

Top Foods for Brain Health - infographic by Swanson Health

Best Foods for Brain Health

  1. Avocados
    Avocados are packed with vitamin K, vitamin C and folate, which can help support brain function, including memory and concentration. Avocados also contain the "good" kind of fats: monounsaturated fats.1 
  2. Beets
    Nitrates in beets support blood flow to the brain. Beets also boost energy levels and are full of antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals and oxidative stress.2 If you don’t like eating beets, try adding beet juice powder to your smoothies, or opt for our Beet Root Circulation Support Complex.
  3. Blueberries
    Blueberries provide a powerful helping of antioxidant vitamins and nutrients that can help protect your brain from oxidative stress and free radicals. Berries contain brain-healthy vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber. Additionally, studies have shown that eating blueberries may support healthy blood flow to the brain, promoting cognitive function.3 Blueberries not in season? No problem. You can get many of the same benefits in our AuroraBlue® supplement, made with wild-harvested Alaskan blueberries.
  4. Bone Broth
    Bone both is supercharged with beneficial amino acids like proline and glycine,4 which can help support your immune system, improve memory and support gut health. Glycine functions as a neurotransmitter, and proline (L-proline) is an essential component of collagen and supports healthy connective tissues.5
  5. Broccoli
    The vitamin K in broccoli helps support cognitive abilities while choline may support memory function. Also, a key compound found in broccoli known as sulforaphane may support skin health, cognitive function and healthy brain tissue.6
  6. Coconut Oil
    Versatile coconut oil can help support brain and memory health. The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil break down to supply ketones,7 which your brain can use for fuel. If you’re not sure how to incorporate coconut oil into your diet, read 30 Mindblowing Paleo Recipes Using Coconut Oil.
  7. Dark Chocolate & Cocoa
    The flavonoids in dark chocolate and cocoa have antioxidant properties which help to protect your body (and brain) against oxidative stress. Plus, flavonoids may help boost blood flow to the brain.8 Opt for high-quality dark chocolate that has undergone minimal processing.
  8. Dark, Leafy Greens
    Kale, spinach, romaine, Swiss chard and other leafy greens are full of vitamin A, vitamin K and magnesium, which can help support brain function, plus offer stress reduction and improve your mood. Recent studies suggest that eating just a serving of leafy greens per day may help support a healthy memory.9
  9. Egg Yolks
    Egg yolks are packed full of choline, a macronutrient that supports liver health and brain function. Choline also supports central nervous system health,10 and some athletes take choline supplements to fight fatigue.
  10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest foods for your brain. It’s full of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that are known to provide numerous cardiovascular health benefits,11 all of which can boost brain health.
  11. Nuts
    Nuts, like walnuts and almonds, provide your body with brain-healthy vitamin E and magnesium. Vitamin E offers protective antioxidant qualities against free radicals and oxidative stress in addition to supporting blood, skin and brain haelth.12 Magnesium helps you produce serotonin, which aids in stress reduction and may help improve your mood.13
  12. Salmon
    The brain-boosting essential fatty acids (EFAs) in salmon, like omega-3, can help boost memory and brain performance,14 making this one of the best foods for brain health. If fish oil isn't your thing, consider our Plant Based Omega-3 supplement.
  13. Turmeric
    Turmeric is great for your gut and for immune function, but one of the lesser-known benefits of turmeric is that it may help support circulation.15 Better blood circulation can increase your oxygen levels and help you be more alert. Try it in turmeric tea or turmeric supplements.

Brain-Healthy Nutrients

Make healthy choices from this list of brain-boosting foods to get plenty of essential nutrients for enhancing brain function, improving memory and supporting long-term wellness. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Lindsey Bristol, Swanson Health Products




About Lindsey Toth, MS, RD
Registered Dietitian, Swanson Health Products

Lindsey is a nationally-recognized registered dietitian and nutritionist with a soft spot for pie. She empowers people to take charge of their health by finding the balance between the pleasure and nourishment in food.

Her philosophy is that you should take care of your body because it’s the only permanent home you have. It’s what inspired her to pursue a career in nutrition and, ultimately, led her to Swanson Health. 


1. Avocados. Medical News Today. Read source

2. Beetroot 101. HealthLine. Read source

3. Eat Berries to Improve Brain Function. Rutgers University. Read source

4. Amino Acid Content of Bone Broth. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research. Read source

5. Top 9 Uses and Benefits of Glycine. HealthLine. Read source

6. Sulforaphane Improves Cognitive Function. National Library of Medicine. Read source

7. MCT Oil 101. HealthLine. Read source

8. The Effects of Flavonoids. National Library of Medicine. Read source

9. Lots of Leafy Greens Might Shield Aging Brains. Health Day. Read source

10. Choline. WebMD. Read source

11. Polyphenols. Nourish. Read source

12. Vitamin E. Mato Clinic. Read source

13. 5 Ways Magnesium Can Help. VitaGene. Read source 

14. Omega-3. Alzheimer's Society. Read source

15. 10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin. HealthLine. Read source 
